I need a change. I have been thinking about it for quite awhile and I am almost ready for it. I have gotten too comfortable with my lot in life and I feel a change is coming in my old aching and decrepit bones. After all I have been back in my own home for a little over a month now with few deviations. I have a bit of the wanderlust in me. And I think I owe it to my great great uncle Rollo Walter Brown. I think he was a man with a bit of wanderlust in him.
Though I never had the pleasure of meeting Rollo since he died 4 years before I was born, I have learned to appreciate the man and the great author that he was. He was born in 1880 in Crooksville, Ohio and graduated from my alma mater, Ohio Northern University. He went further and received a Masters degree from Harvard University in 1905 and went on to teach English at several colleges. My father had a collection of his books that he inherited when his father died and those eventually went to one of my brothers. I have made it my mission to get a complete set of his books and I have done that with the exception of some articles in publications that he was featured in. I have made it a goal to read at least 4 of his books in the next few months–focusing on the ones that are a little more interesting to me!!!
One of his books is titled “I Travel By Train” and this is the first one that I am reading. It is a great story of his encounters with folks as he travels during the Depression and it makes me think that he did indeed have a bit of the wanderlust in him. Maybe not the hiking part but the strolling around part! Chris thinks it would be a great story to summarize Rollo’s book and then write my own adventures of traveling and the people I have met along the way and call it I Travel by Plane. It all sounds great but not sure that that is the book that is in me right now.
Change is good sometimes and I feel it coming. It might sneak up on me and surprise me somehow but I have become pretty adaptable over the years and accept it. I might start out slowly with the whole change idea. As I ponder change I have decided that the format of my blog is going to change pretty soon. I have always “done it myself” and I think that there are some changes that I want to make to make it easier to read and comment on (I am all about the Comments for a Cause, you know!) and I am going to enlist some hired guns to help me out. So don’t be surprised if the format that you got used to gets changed over time. Change is good. At least in this case.
How do you feel about change in your life? Is it easy or difficult for you?