Several weeks ago I wrote a post entitled Spinning in our Teacups which highlighted some of my dear husband’s memorable phrases. Since then I have been keeping track when he makes a memorable one on my phone and the list is growing. I decided that occasionally I will pass these gems along to my readership because they are just too good to keep to myself. He, of course, is aware of this and is wanting to ride my non-existant coattails of fame so I am happy to let him come along for the ride. I will have to censor some of them for my G rated blog but suffice it say—we still have plenty. So —please—by all means—enjoy and share if you must!
1.”They were like goldfish swimming in a thimble.”
- Barbacoma—-a BBQ coma —experienced after a huge meal at the local Rib Crib. It isn’t Carolina BBQ but it is the closest we can get to it out here in the midwest.
Tights right. (Don’t ask any more questions about that one.)
“Gotta dress like the worker bees or else they will sting you and drive you from the hive.” (This was the response when asked why he was wearing jeans one day.)
After a recent trip to China where they had not done what they were supposed to do ahead of his visit: “Chinese couldn’t organize a Chinese fire drill.”
“We are just the pygmies who are trying not to get trampled.”
“Being on key is kind of key.”
So there you have it. The latest installment of Chrisims! Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. And never fear—I am sure there will be more.