September 1st and here we go again. A new month. Reveal of how much we are donating to the August Comments for a Cause. Reveal of new cause.
I know the first of the month is predictable here on It’s Just Life but I think that is okay. I started doing Comments for a Cause way back in April 2011 and have highlighted a lot of great charities. If you are new here the process is simple. For every comment made on any blog post during the month (even old blog posts) Chris and I will make a 50 cent donation to the current charity. All it costs you is a little time to read and leave a comment. We have been blessed to be able to do this and will continue as long as we are able.
One of the great things is discovering new places that are worthy of donations. This past year I have honored my mom by donating to charities and causes that she donated to during her lifetime. She had a very impressive list and I have just barely scratched the surface.
In August of 2021 we highlighted her love for Ohio Northern University where she met my dad and where both of them graduated. Both Chris and I attended there as well and graduated so of course it is near and dear to our hearts as well. I am thrilled to announce that we are making a donation of $112 to Ohio Northern University in memory of mom. Thank you for all your great comments during the month.
I am so happy to announce that our Comments for a Cause recipient for September 2021 will be UMCOR — United Methodist Committee on Relief . As part of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church this is the arm of the church that helps during natural or human-caused disasters.
UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – be it famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and to be a source of help and hope for those left most vulnerable. We provide relief, response and long-term recovery grants when these events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own. UMCOR also provides technical support and training for partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to disaster relief, recovery, and long-term health and development.
UMCOR website
There are many areas of impact including disaster recovery and response, migration, hunger and poverty, sanitation and water, global health, creation care, women and children and sustainable development.

The thing that I love most about UMCOR is that 100% of donations goes to the designated area as administrative costs are covered by a totally different line item. When we give all of our donation goes to where we designate and that is the best feeling ever.
My mom truly loved all that UMCOR stands for and it was our family charity many years for Christmas. I know she would smile at this Comments for a Cause.
So this month, as we celebrate my mom’s life, please read and comment often for Comments for a Cause – UMCOR. From Afghanistan to Hurricane Relief to Wildfire Relief UMCOR is boots on the ground and ready to help. As always thank you for reading and commenting. You are appreciated. Please check out the social media links to follow UMCOR on their various social media channels at the end of this post.