Mr. Diamond had a business strategy retreat and the retreat was held at the beautiful Sand Pearl Resort Sand Pearl Resort in Clearwater Beach, Florida. The resort boasted beautiful wide white sand beaches, a pristine pool, beach chairs and umbrellas galore and several tasty restaurant options. The thing that I liked the most was how close the resort was to the town. An easy walk to everything made for a great experience.
The thing I love about this company (Dunbarton Door and Entry Systems) is that they include the spouses for several events during the year. It gives us a chance to get together and know each other. I think the support that the spouses give is an important part of the success of the company and it is nice when they are included in so many events. This is the first company that Chris has worked for that has really included the spouses and significant others.
With that being said I always feel a bit responsible for making sure everyone has a good time. There is always a balance between planning stuff to do and a healthy dose of individual choice time and I think we achieved it this time and everyone seemed to have a great time. I know I did.
Walking down the main street in Clearwater found us looking in a lot of great shops and enjoying the scenery. Of course I loved all of the brightly painted dolphins that we found along the way.
The beach was buzzing anytime we walked on it. It was a lot of fun to see all the things that were going on.
Of course we sampled some fabulous food while we were there so I had to share a few pictures of that with you.
It was a fun 4 days and I got my toes in the sand and some sun on my face. The sunsets were pretty spectacular and the breezes amazing. I got my dose of happiness and am set for awhile.