As I reflect upon the past two years at the heart of it all is hope. We have struggled to come to grips with a pandemic that has taken loved ones from us too soon.
We have seen friends and family affected by a situation that has spiraled out of control and as this week begins we see yet another variant crossing borders.
As I reflect on the season of Advent and all the preparation that goes with it I still cling to hope. Because if I don’t have hope what do I have?
One resource that I read recently likened this time as a time of going home. As we sometimes struggle with trying to find our way in a difficult time the reality of who is the Light of my life comes clearly to mind. My God welcomes me, is always there for me and is leading me home.
The eternal home I seek is one where there is justice and equality and a feeling of belonging. During Advent I feel the need more than ever to bask in the knowledge that that home is a source of hope.
The Hope candle which is lit on Advent wreaths all over the world this week is the light that shines brightly. It is a sign of our heavenly home –hope is there and it is what I cling to.