This post is to prove something to my mom. We were talking about things from the past, how I have always wanted to write a book, be published and my evident stagnation at producing said book. I reminded her that in 10th grade I wrote a children’s book for Mrs. Young in Creative Writing and she illustrated it. She has no memory of that so I am hoping that once she reads this post and sees proof she will remember. I am sure she will be cringing but hey—-my words are out there now and my lame attempt at a children’s book are forever going to be floating around cyberspace so she needs to share the fame.
Please keep in mind—-I was in 10th grade. 🙂
There you have it—proof that my mom was an vital part of my creative writing way back then and proof that I have kept this tattered book for 37 years. Sad but true.
Keep an eye out for Franklin F. Firefly—it is firefly season!!!