Hilary from Feeling Beachie hosts a blog hop every Friday where we get to fill in answers to statements on our own blogs and share. This week I am the co host which sounds really important, doesn’t it? Just means I came up with a couple of statements to help her out. If you have any good ones let her know by emailing her at hilary@feelingbeachie.com. She would love to hear from you!
The statements are::
- I am so___________for my ________________.
- ______________me, I _____________________.
- I am _________________at keeping secrets.
- I _________that ____________was here already.
My answers:
- I am so grateful for my family—–all of them! Inlaws, outlaws, close and far!
- For the life of me, I can not figure people out 80% of the time. Sometimes their actions baffle me!
- I am very good at keeping secrets. I think part of it is due to my background in social work and part due to how I was raised. If it is confidential it needs to stay confidential.
- I am thrilled that wonderful weather was here already on my trip to Ohio
I also wanted to share my most popular Pinterest pin with you today. It has been repinned a zillion times. Well maybe not a zillion times but a lot. It is a great little easy Halloween idea—isn’t it??? Simple sucker, black pipecleaners and some googly eyes and you have a spider! Not sure where I saw the original idea but isn’t it cute???