Each week,Hilary at Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at feelingbeachie@gmail.com. If she uses them, she will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Jen from What would Jen Do
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This week’s statements:
- I always refuse to admit_____
I won’t eat ____
I would like to hang out with _____________ for a day.
I would like to learn how to __________
My Answers:
1 I always refuse to admit that I pass gas? I don’t know!! I can’t think of anything at the moment—I am usually a pretty open book and apologize for everything!!! But I do blame gas on the cats sometimes…..just saying. That cat food can be pretty gas producing!
I won’t eat Cooked Carrots. I have told you that before. I hate them. Always have. Always will. Just looking at this picture of them makes me gag. Quick..where’s the bathroom?
I would like to hang out with my grandparents for the day. I never got to really spend enough time when any of them when they were alive and it would be really neat to be able to have a whole day with them now that I am older (and wiser!) to just listen to their stories.
I would like to learn how to do calligraphy. My mom used to do it and I know that she would teach me if I asked. I think it would make my cards so much better if I had better writing—-my handwriting used to be so nice but anymore it is barely legible. I blame it on computers.