I have been quiet on the blog this week…..just haven’t really felt like blogging I guess but it has been a good, full week here in Mason City. Been trying to get some cards made to send to Operation Write Home (only got about 25 made before I had to pack them up to show the house and haven’t gotten it all back out yet), helped a woman connected with the church pack up some of her apt. for a move and attended one day of training for Hospice. That was a good day! I am such a believer in Hospice and what they do and have wanted to take the training forever and ever but it never worked out until now. I am not going to be able to take the final day of training for the intake unit and bereavement because I will be in Ohio but at least I can do most of the training and find a place to volunteer. The hardest part will be finding someplace in Ohio while I am traveling to get my TB test checked since I have to have one done next week also and have to have it checked 2-3 days after it is done. I may have to be creative on that one!
The weather here has been nice—sporadic rain showers and storms but when the sun has been out it has been beautiful. Unlike all the weird stuff going on elsewhere in the world with the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We are very glad that our trip to Europe is over or else we would most likely be stranded there with air travel being restricted due to the clouds of volcanic ash floating around. Yikes!
Looking forward to a nice weekend with Chris–may head to St Paul to explore a bit, may just hang out, who knows??? It is good to have him back home and I have a lot to do to get ready for my trip to Ohio at the end of next week. Should be awesome!!! Family time!!!