It’s Friday Friday Friday!!! Yippee!! And Good Friday at that which makes me reflect on a lot of things. Hope your day is blessed and that your weekend is filled with family and friends and all of the things that are important to you.
Hilary’s blog hop this week is co-hosted by none other than little ole me! 🙂 Join in the fun by checking out Feeling Beachieand joining in the fun.
The statements are:
1. My favorite advice to give is ____
2. A few years ago I stopped ____
3. The weather around me _____________ tends to lend itself to ____________.
4. 2013 is both __________ and ___________.
My answers are:
1. My favorite advice to give is to new moms—-treasure each and every moment because before you turn around they are almost 28 and 25….
2. A few years ago I stopped being so worried about things that I have no control over.
3. The weather around me is still snowy and tends to lend itself to making me wish that spring would really come for good.
4. 2013 is both filled with fun things to do and places to go and work around the house that I really need to do but keep putting off. How’s that for a rambling answer?