Giving back is so important. There are so many ways to give back and when I find a new way I get excited.
Around Christmas we found ourselves drowning in a deluge of boxes. We do a lot of online ordering (ask our mail people) and while I love to shop local and do I also can’t always find exactly what I need locally. Enter online shopping.
One of the boxes that Chris received a present in came from Bonobos. In the box was a little card which encouraged us to use the #GiveBackBox. Well you know I had to check that out so I visited the website which you can visit by clicking here.
The concept is very easy.

Screenshot from www.giveback
Pretty easy, right? You can use any corrugated box that you have on hand. Fill it up, print out a shipping label and send it off. No cost to you.

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My box will go to a Goodwill Center where it will be unpacked, sorted, put out for sale and the box recycled. It provides both goods for sale and jobs for those who are employed at that particular Goodwill. There are no losers in this program at all. I get rid of some clutter, someone else finds a treasure to buy and it provides a job for someone at the same time.
Several companies are now a part of this #GiveBackBox program and it is expanding each and every day.

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Founded in 2012 by Monika Wiela of Chicago the program has reached many. She was inspired by seeing a homeless man who simply asked for a pair of shoes on her daily route to work. She owned a shoe store and even though it was a women’s shoe store it got her to thinking. When she went back later that day to give the man a pari of shoes he was gone. But it got her motivated to do more. With a warehouse full of empty boxes she knew there was new life that could be breathed into them . So she began to formulate a plan and the program was born.
My box is being filled. Yes, I have many local places that I can physically take donations and I do. But I also love this idea and will be supporting it as well. For people that live places where there is not easy access to donation sites this is perfect.
If you need more information please to to their website here to get all of the details. It is one of the easiest websites to navigate and has all the facts that you need to get started. Tax deductible receipts are also mailed to the giver once the box is received so make sure you fill out that portion as well.
To watch a 7 minute video by founder Monika Wiela please click on video below
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