I‘ve been a bit grumpy this week. I admit it.
I have not been easy to live with. I have snapped and grumbled.
Growled and huffed and puffed.
I don’t know why but this week just wasn’t my favorite week.
There is no reason other than I was grumpy.
It’s been a beautiful week weather wise. Chris was home and we had some really fun time together. He went out of his way to make sure I had a good week.
So why the crabbiness?
Beats me. I let a couple little things bug me. Things that are insignificant but I allowed them to niggle away at me.
Silliness. That is all it is. Silliness.
So I am going to shake it off. Immerse myself in things that bring me happiness and soak all of that in.
You know what? It’s okay to have feelings that are not happy all of the time. But I can’t wallow and let it get to me.
Nothing good comes from that so my goal is to move on and get over it.
How about you? How has your week been? Highs? Lows? Even keel? Hope your weekend brings you much happiness and contentment.