Friday Fill In from Hilary at Feeling Beachie ! Follow along and join in! Also thanks to Java at Never Growing Old for her Friday blog hop!! My apologies for weird posting today—WordPress is flakey today!
This week’s statements
- If not for my significant other, I’d never laugh half as much as I do. He makes me laugh. Not everyone sees this side of my hubby but he really has a great sense of humor and never fails to make me guffaw!
On more than one occasion, I have sung lustily in a car. As a matter of fact, it happens on a daily basis. Today, for example, I had on 7 on 70’s and made the hubby wait to go into Panera until I was done belting out Yo Yo by the Osmond Brothers. Wasn’t pretty but I did it!
The worst meal I ever made was probably some kind of healthy thing that did not work out. I can’t really remember a meal but I did have a recent misadventure with a sponge cake.
My guilty t.v. pleasure is watching Days of Our Lives. Please do not think less of me. Please. I started watching Another World when I was in high school and the lady I babysat for after school watched it. She had to leave halfway through it so she asked me to watch it and tell her what happened after she left. Well….the tradition continued and when it went off the air I continued my watching of Days of Our Lives. With the recent announcement that several other soap operas are going off the air I wonder how long mine will last. I KNOW it is stupid and not real and a waste of time but somehow I got sucked in 35 years ago…
Enjoy your Good Friday and remember what it is all about.