Did you ever have an irrational fear? The kind that paralyzes you to the point of not being able to function? I have several–none that paralyze, thank goodness, but fears nonetheless.
- Blood—just seeing it makes me light headed. A recent injury when we were on vacation where I could have seriously amputated my toe when I dropped the glass off a small glass topped table just right on one of my toes left me laying on the floor while my husband tended to my wound. Fortunately I always pack bandaids. Three weeks later there is still bruising ….
- Water in my face. This explains my lack of love for swimming but not my love of the beach.
- Snakes. No explanation needed there for most folks. Either you love them or you hate them.
- Anticipatory Anxiety—-for example–going to the dentist. I tend to work myself up into a state—imagining 15 root canals and 12 crowns to be done in a total of 2 appointments. I am happy to say this past week I bit the bullet (thanks to my husband actually making the appointment for me) and had a very successful dental visit. Next appointment is already made for 6 months from now. Now see–that wasn’t so bad, was it???
- Car Washes. Now this is the silly one. I have always washed my own car. Always. About 2 years ago I started not being able to drive into the car wash correctly the first time. You know what I mean–you have to either straddle lines of pipes or go up on a narrow treadle pad to park. Time and time again I failed. My mojo was off. I had to back up and try repeatedly. It was embarrassing. I avoided going. I had anticipatory anxiety. It was ridiculous. I opted to go to the carwash where you could wash it yourself with the hose. But then it was winter again and the car was filthy and I really needed that “whole body” experience. So I tried it again. I am pleased to report that I may have conquered my fear of driving into the car wash. I must admit that I opened the door and eyeballed where my wheels were in relation to the treadle before proceeding. But hallelujah—-I did it and lived to write the story. It was just plain silly how all of the sudden that ability to drive straight into a carwash vanished. Hopefully I am on the mend from this affliction since I have one successful drive in under my seatbelt, so to speak. I will keep you posted.
Do you have any irrational fears that you would like to claim? Feel free to comment below!!!