I love you. Plain and simple.
I am taking a page from my buddy Sean Dietrich‘s book and just putting it. out there that I love all of you who might happen upon this blog post today. He says it often and I think that I can say it as well. Of course I don’t have the following that he has but I have a few followers and am happy to share this with them.
You see I have discovered that there are a lot of people in this world who just need to hear that they are appreciated. There are people who simply just need to hear that they have worth and value because in this world we live in it appears to be much easier to put people down and be hateful than it is to be supportive and loving.
On our recent trip to Canada we commented time and time again how nice people were. Not just to us but to everyone. There was an attitude of kindness everywhere we went. From the way people merged on the highway to the bookstore employee in Lunenburg who was just over the top nice and welcoming. There was no impatience, no hesitation in being helpful, just kindness. How refreshing.
I am on a mission to let those who are important to me know just that. Each and every one of you that reads this blog is important to me. You matter to me. You really do. I used to really struggle with self esteem issues so I get it. One negative comment can really turn a day into a downward spiral and I don’t want that for you. I want YOU to know that you are important. You are loved for who you are. Just as you are. No changes needed.
What a wonderful world it would be if we could all just take a beat and remember that someone needs you to be kind to them today. It doesn’t take money or possessions. It just takes kindness.
Please join me on my mission to be kind. Let someone know today that they are important and valued. Start with that cashier that looks like she has been up all night with a cranky baby. Smile and engage in conversation with her and make eye contact. Let her know that you appreciate her. It’s easy and becomes contagious. Start small and move on from there. You will feel better and others will as well. I guarantee it.
Don’t forget – I love you. Thanks for reading.