A couple of weeks ago a sermon that I heard really hit me. To the point of actually taking notes in the margins of the bulletin which does not happen all that often. I guess I was paying attention. Or maybe it was because the children’s sermon involved a smiley face. Or maybe it was the title of the sermon “Laughter as God’s Grace”. Maybe it was the day. Maybe it was the way the wind was blowing that Sunday morning but for whatever reason I loved the message that sunny warm Iowa morning.
There were many take aways that day and lots of scribbles that I am trying to decipher two weeks later. Here is my list:
1. We are what we are because we are following a script of our life. That script can change and probably should change every once in awhile.
2. Normal life is a balanced life.
3. Joy is the will of the Lord for us!
4. If I really want to be happy I would……..(this might be a good Follow Friday Fill In for Hilary!)
It made me think a lot about my life and the script that I have been following and yes–it most definitely has changed but there is a constant—love and happiness. I strive to live each day to the fullest and full of love and positivity. It seems to be a little easier these days than maybe 6 years ago but maybe I am maturing?? One can only hope.
If I really wanted to be happy I would……..embrace each day for what it has to offer. Never miss a chance to tell someone that I love them. Say thank you more often. Be grateful for every second that I have on this earth. Love lavishly. Take time to thank God more often for the blessings in my life. Drink more tea. Find more opportunities to be in service.
I would love to hear how you would finish the sentence.
If I really wanted to be happy I would……