Chris and I are at the beach this week and totally loving being in sunny Florida. We are staying at my favorite string of beaches on 30A and loving it all.
30A beaches are beautiful with white sand and turquoise waters. It is uncrowded and we are staying in a pretty unpopulated place so there is never a problem getting a spot on the beach.

We have two balconies at our condo and I alternate between the two.
There have been some stunning sunsets this week. Sunrises have not been as spectacular but that’s okay.
Of course there is a lot to see on the beach including all kinds of birds.
I love the beach, can’t you tell?
Remember my post about feathers? Well here was one just waiting for me.
Of course we had to do a selfie at sunset.
Sunsets pictures are always my favorite. I imagine they might all look alike to others but I think they are all very unique and special. Enjoy your day, my friends.