Each week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at feelingbeachie@gmail.com. If used , you will be added as a co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Brenda Youngerman, from ficton with a purpose. She came up with the last statements.
I REALLY can use some co-hosts… So PLEASE email some statements….
Help spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet,FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…
This week’s statements:
- When I was little, all I wanted was a _____
I always want to love to ____ but no matter how hard I try, I don’t.
The ___________________ of it all was that ______________________
The mist around the mountains makes me
My Answers:
- When I was little all I wanted was a younger brother or sister. But since I was number 4 and the perfect child that was not going to happen!!! 🙂
I always wanted to love to swim but no matter how hard I try I don’t.
The truth of it all was that I had a swimming teacher that scared me and scarred me for life…..so sad……guess I need to get over that. (Maybe if I had these guys to look at I would be more willing to swim….)
The mist around the mountains makes me grateful that I can see them and be a witness to the beauty that God has created.
Thanks, Hilary for the blog hop and it is great to be back with Java at Never Growing Old for her blog hops, too!