2. View of Saunders Beach
3. Sand—we are trying to identify what creatures make the little balls of sand all over the beach.
4. View from the back yard of the house
5. Coconut catchers!
6. Looking out at sunset as we ate dinner on the Strand
As I mentioned we met the owner of the house we are going to rent and he is very nice. His dad was there too and he was a sweet old man and we stood around outside and talked a long time. His dad fought with the Americans in WWII so he was an older gent and they were both very gracious and welcoming. Rod showed us around, told us how things worked and what “renovations” he had done and I think we will be quite comfy there. It is definitely not the fanciest house but it will be so nice to sit on the veranda and watch the waves and hear the sounds. He is going to leave some furniture there for us to use until we get it all furnished and is just being really great about everything. We told him we wanted to move in August 15th and he was fine with that so I guess this week we will have to sign all the paperwork and settle everything up. He did tell me that the one toilet especially gets green frogs in it………you can bet I will be using the other one!!!! YIKES!
We also shopped (again) and picked out a nice leather “lounge” suite as they call them here! A 3 seater and 2 recliners and the couch has 2 recliners in it so we should be doing a lot of reclining!!! We have always wanted some leather couches and these were comfy and the saleswoman was so low key, no pressure, let us lay around on them and try them out and was not trying to sell at all which was nice. We were the only ones in the store most of the time so it was nice. Tomorrow we are going to go pick out the washer, dryer, microwave, small appliances and maybe tv. Whew. Then I will have to concentrate on the “manchester” (bedding) and towels, kitchen stuff, etc. it really is fun but I have a lot to buy to put it mildly!!!
We stopped at a gas station and got one of the best burgers ever—they load them up with all kinds of veggies like shredded carrot, beets (yes!!!), eggs, bacon, couple kinds of cheeses and of course we got chips too but no ketchup. You usually have to ask for that special on the side and it is “tomato sauce” though I did see some in the grocery store and it said catsup on it. Funny the things that Americans use that they would not think of using.
So….we are now back in the apt watching “The Simpsons” of all things. I think Chris is going to watch Aussie Rules Football which he loves but does not understand the rules to. They kick, pass, dribble, tackle and do all kinds of weird things that I can’t figure out! But they are very athletic boys….let’s just leave it at that. Oh…the landlord said that the neighbor sometimes mows his yard in a G-string so I might have soemthing to look forward to there…….and on that thought I will leave you for tonight!