I am a few days behind (I blame jet lag) but here I am pulling into March with an excitement that spring is coming. It really is. Having a few days in 90 degree weather was just what I needed and now I am sure that spring is just around the corner. Hope springs eternal.
This past month I had the pleasure of introducing Lois’ Linens to my readers. Lois’ Linens was created by the Vera Cruz family to provide a new set of twin-sized bed sheets to hospice patients in need when a medical bed is delivered to their home. Since the start of the program, hundreds of sheets have been distributed in support of our patients and their families. When one of my own friends was a recipient of some twin sheets from this great project I knew I had my next Comments for a Cause recipient.
My readers continue to support me and read my blog posts and thanks to you, we will be making a donation of $75 to help provide more sheet sets through Lois’ Linens. Thanks so much!
Our national forests are one of our precious resources and one that Chris and I love to visit. Having several close family members who work for the federal government in various wildlife conservation jobs I am deeply aware of the role that our natural resources hold in our country. It seems that our country is going through a lot of job cuts these days and our forests are in danger of losing funding for rangers and more. While I am not going to be able to turn the tide completely, I could not let the month go by without picking a charity that makes a difference within our natural world.
The National Forest Foundation is a non profit that helps support these lands so so many of us love.
National Forests and Grasslands provide Americans with 193 million spectacular acres of wildlands.
- More than 9,000 miles of scenic byways to drive
- Almost 150,000 miles of trails to hike
- More than 4,400 miles of wild and scenic rivers to float
- At least 5,100 campgrounds in which to pitch our tents
- And 328 natural pools to swim in
All this and the chance to see elk and bear, ducks and deer, trout and trees, thousands of species of plants, and billions of stars in a midnight sky. (info from NFF website)
This month I am nappy to support the National Forest Foundation . For every comment made on any post this month, Chris and I will make a 50 cent donation to this great organization. Feel free to follow them on their various social media networks below. As always, thanks for reading.