Guess what?? I am co-host this week for the blog hop over at Feeling Beachie!! Thanks, Hilary!!! So what do you do??? Every week my friend, Hilary, posts 4 fill in the blank statements for you to use on your blog! Fill them in and join the blog hop by posting your link ! She is always looking for statements so feel free to email her at to share what you have with her and maybe YOU can be a co-host, too!!! I am not saying my statements are all that riveting but hey—it’s just life!!! 🙂
The statements are:
- Somehow____ comes naturally to me
I could spend hours in a ____ store
If money and time were no consideration, today I would
____________________and _____________________. -
You should always take time to _______________
My answers!!!
- Somehow listening to others and drawing them out comes naturally to me. I have “the gift” and now my husband is getting it through osmosis. People just tell me anything and everything. Case in point—a few weeks back I took my brother in law to a shoe store to get some padding in his shoes so they would fit better. In a short exchange with the salesman I found out he was a former inmate, now was a Christian, what church he went to, how long he had been going there and the plan for the rest of his life. No joke. He just told me and then when I left he said “You know –I don’t tell ANYONE that I was an inmate. I don’t know why I told you.” I have the gift. And I embrace it. 🙂
I could spend hours in a CRAFT store. Well that doesn’t surprise anyone, does it??? Archiver’s, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, JoAnn Fabrics, the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on…..
If money and time were no consideration today I would take my entire extended family and go someplace for an unforgettable vacation for 10 days. Not sure if we could handle much more than 10 days…….just kidding!
4.You should always take time to listen. Maybe this goes with number 1!!! I am a true believer in the idea that we just are always rushing through life and not taking enough time to just be with each other listening. You can learn a lot by just listening. Kind of like the whole “be still and know that I am God” thing. Too often I fill my prayers with a lot of words and I just need to be still and listen. Kids need parents and adults to listen. Older folks need us to listen to them–they have a lot of wisdom to share. Spouses need to listen to each other. You get the idea!!
Thanks for joining in today! Hope you hop over to Feeling Beachie and join in .