It’s no mystery that I love cats. My own two kitties, Buddy and Holly, are pretty special and important to my health and well being. There is just something about a cat that makes me smile.
When we were growing up we always had a cat or two or ten. Our mama cat Peek (short for Peek a Boo) was a very fertile thing and it was before the days when getting your pets spayed and neutered was a thing. We always had a nice group of kittens several times a year that we had to find homes for and sometimes we were successful and sometimes we weren’t.
Our cats back then were outdoor cats and living in small towns with highways running past the parsonages that we lived in proved to be more than some of those cats could handle. We had our share of kitties that were hit by cars but never Peek. She looked both ways before she crossed. No joke.
But now I have two adorable grand kitties and who doesn’t love to look at pictures of cats on a Monday morning? Well, if you don’t this post is not for you and I will obviously excuse you from going any further.
Diego and Fajita are Siberian cats and VERY fluffy. Diego was adopted first by Aaron and he is a beautiful silver mackerel color. His fur is getting so long after that one unfortunate hair cut experience. We won’t talk about that.

Diego’s favorite perch.
Fajita is from a different litter, a different breeder and has a totally different personality. She is a huge snuggler and loves to play. She has a lot of kitten left in her.
They love to chase each other and play with the millions of toys that Aaron and Erin (and yes, maybe me) have bought for them.
Even if you are not a cat person I think you have to agree that these two are pretty fun.