Names of 3 objects or things you love most and why?
1. Any book I can place my hands on because they offer such a world of knowledge and escape!!
2. Daisies because they just are happy flowers!.
3. Coffee and chocolate come in together—–both are comfort foods for me!
Give me the names of 3 objects or things you dislike most and why?
1. Snakes—just not into them!
2. Cooked carrots–made me gag as a baby according to my mom and they still do 50 years later!
3. Hail—it hurts when it hits your bare legs! I have vivid memories of delivering newspapers (The Sandusky Register to you Ohioans!) in North Fairfield in a hail storm—not fun!
Something I really care about? I care about a lot of things but today I am really caring about our environment after I have seen all the news about the horrific BP oil mess. With all of our knowledge and intelligence I cannot believe that they can not figure out how to contain this spill and get things fixed!!! I saw something yesterday that the commentator referred to as a “Sham Wow” that could help clean stuff up—-why aren’t we exploring things like that??? Of course it was going to be incredibly expensive but look at all they have pumped into the spill to fix it and it hasn’t worked!!!! Argh!
Do you dream? Very vividly!!! I dream all the time and not only while I sleep!!!
Can you remember your last dream? Yep, I was looking for a bathroom….and then I woke up and needed one. Coincidence? I think not!
How would you describe yourself? A happy 50 year old who is loving life and living the dream!!! Blessed and knows it!!!