A new friend in Ayr
We had such a great weekend exploring around Mackay. We went to Cape Hillsborough National Park on Saturday after spending some time in the city exploring the town and the botanical gardens. The park was beautiful and we had a lot of fun walking the beach, looking at the volcanic rocks and watching wallabies hopping around. There weren’t as many there as I thought there would be but I think it was because it was a little bit too early in the afternoon for them to be out. We left the hotel fairly early this morning and headed to Finch Hatton Gorge where we hiked for a couple of hours and saw some beautiful waterfalls and rainforest. We had planned to go to Eungella but since we had such a long drive back home we decided to save that for another day as that could take a day in itself to explore that —you can see platypi there and we definitely want to see that!!! We drove (and drove and drove) 520 km today so we had plenty of time to sit in the car. We shared the drive on the way home so it wasn’t too bad and stopped a couple places along the way too so that helped.
Got home and it looks like the council fixed our leaking water pipe or whatever it was and cleaned up well after themselves so that is a good thing. I have a lot of sweeping to do tomorrow—the tree in front sheds like crazy and it looks like fall instead of spring with all the leaves on the ground!!! I have a lot to get done in a couple of days as we are going back to the Burdekin house on Wednesday so I have to get stuff done tomorrow. Tuesday I am going to a Melbourne Cup Luncheon with Lorrae so that will be a lot of fun and a piece of Australian culture for sure!!!