Every year for the past five or so (I am too lazy to go and check on that) I have tried to start out the year with some words to guide me through the year. Well, this year was kind of a bust. I had to go look them up because I honestly did not keep them at the forefront of my life this year. They were: Balance, Clarity and Growth. I don’t think I focused on any of those this year but then I didn’t plan on a pandemic coming and ruining everything.
I am going to simplify this year and focus on some that might be a little bit easier for me to embrace.
Celebrate – I intend to celebrate every single thing that I can this year. I feel like I did not get the chance to celebrate all of the wonderful things that 2020 had to offer so in 2021 I am going to go all out and celebrate in style. Any little thing will be a reason to celebrate. Who is with me?
Hope— A repeat word for me for several years but one that I need to embrace and really internalize. Hope is what gets us through the tough times. Hope is what keeps us going each day. 2021 is a year of hope.
Nurture – It is in my nature to nurture and in 2021 I am going to nurture others as well as myself. Too often I put myself on the back burner and don’t really take care of me. I plan to do just that this year. No excuses, no apologies. If I need to do something to nurture myself I am going to do it.
So what about you? I would love to read what your words are if you choose guidance words for the year. I am going to attempt to be a bit more diligent in honoring those words this year.
Just for fun here is a collage of a favorite picture from each month of 2020. I think it is fun to go back though and look at pictures and I discovered that even though we were pretty much home bound last year we still managed to have some really great times. Thanks for the memories.