Hello 2021! Raise your hand if you are happy to see the calendar page turn to the new year. I see you all out there raising those hands high. With the new year we have new hopes, goals and aspirations. On It’s Just Life it means another new cause to support through comments. But first – a recap of our December Comments for a Cause recipient.

In December I was happy to share one of our local ministries with my readers. Transylvania Christian Ministry Sharing House located in Brevard, North Carolina is one of the best places I know in the area to donate time, money, food and other needed items. They have a cooperative effort approach involving area churches (including my own Brevard First United Methodist) and as a result have a massive amount of services available to residents of our county.
A food pantry, heating bill assistance, weekly produce giveaway, clothing and household items, a massive Christmas gift drive and more are what make this organization one that I will give to repeatedly. They reach those who need it the most. Let’s be honest. This year there was a huge need as many experienced joblessness because of the pandemic. I am so grateful to the staff and many volunteers who are making a difference every single day. To read more about their efforts please click here to go to my previous post with links to their social media accounts.
Chris and I are happy to report that we will be making a donation of $165 to Sharing House as a result of your comments on posts here on It’s Just Life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As my readers know from my last post my mother passed away on Christmas. Living at Copeland Oaks in Sebring, Ohio was something she and my Daddy had planned to do together. After his death in 1994 she decided that at age 70 she would move there and that is exactly where she lived for the past 21 years. She started living in a house, transitioned to an independent living apartment, then to an assisted living apartment, and also lived in two separate memory care units as her needs increased. Her final days were spent in Crandall Medical Center and that was exactly why she always told us she wanted to live there. She knew she could stay there for the rest of her life and that gave her comfort.
Sometimes people outlive their money as they live longer and longer. Copeland Oaks has an amazing fund that my mom always supported which allowed residents to stay there for the entirety of their lives.
The Copeland Life Care™ Fund, administered through The Oaks Foundation promises benevolent assistance to help those who have outlived their assets. For over 50 years residents have been able to receive funding to allow them to stay at Copeland Oaks when their assets are diminished. What a gift to both the resident and their family.
Today, to honor my mother’s memory, I have decided to designate The Copeland Life Care™ Fund as the recipient of my January 2021 Comments for a Cause. If you are new here it is very easy. All you have to do is leave a comment on ANY post I have written here at It’s Just Life and at the end of the month Chris and I will donate 50 cents per comment to The Copeland Life Care™ Fund. Thank you, as always, for being so diligent in reading and leaving me a comment. My readers are the absolute best.