Are you ready for it???? I AM!!! Today is officially No Shadow Tuesday in our little area!!! That means that the sun will be directly overheard today and hence—no shadow!!! The problem is that this morning as I am looking outside it is very cloudy and blowy and actually looks a bit like rain so maybe I will have to keep the festivities down to a minimum!
One more thing we miss—-decent thermal coffee cups!!!! Chris and I have gotten probably 4 since we have been here and they are all disabled in some way—either they leak, the bottom becomes sticky and won’t move on the counter, the lids don’t fit right even though I have been diligent to not put them in the dishwasher or they just plain fall apart! And I haven’t bought cheapo ones either! So add that to the list of things to get in the US at Christmas to bring back!!! it is those little things that make the difference to me, you know???
I just found a blog that gives you a prompt each day to write about something for a minute which is a kind of neat idea !. Today’s prompt was “what fashion should never come back?” I was thinking about that and there are several but I think I would have to go with leisure suits—how did anyone ever think that those were nice looking??? Let me know what you think should never come back as a fashion trend—I am sure there are some strong opinions out there on this!!!!