Did you know that March is Read to Goats month? Neither did I until I saw it shared on the Carl Sandburg Home National Historical Site. Now you know I am all about goats and my love for them is definitely something that everyone who knows me is aware of. I just love their silly little faces and their cute antics. The kids are the best but honestly, I love them all.
So off to see the goats we went today and I was prepared with a book that I thought they would love. They provided a cart filled with books (mainly written by Carl Sandburg) but I thought they might want something different so I took one I just got that I would highly recommend.

It’s a great book by Connie Schultz that is about a bully and it has a really memorable story with fabulous illustrations. I have followed her columns for years and have enjoyed her writing in The Plain Dealer and USA Today. Her writing is heart warming and touching at times, challenging and insightful and I always look forward to what she has to say. When she announced that her children’s book was coming out I knew it would be great and it is.
The goats were all laying around in the sun when we got there and some of them were making sounds which I mistook as snoring. Nope — it is the sound they make when they are happy like cats purring. Who knew?
The little wagon held a variety of books for readers to choose from if they did not bring their own.
I even tried to see if they would like another book but they weren’t really too interested in anything.
Please enjoy this little clip of me reading to a couple of the lovely ladies on a beautiful sunny March day.