Yesterday I shared a bit about our weekend trip to our county library. It’s such a great place and even though I have a zillion and a half books at home to read I had to check some more out, of course. This one caught Continue reading →
The Book Incident
Take a look at this picture. It may be a little difficult to read but try. . One of my best volunteer jobs is helping out in our neighborhood library. It is the least stressful volunteer job I have ever had and our library is Continue reading →
Dogland – It’s All About the Dogs (Sorry, Maksim)
Ask almost any dog lover that you know and they will have an opinion one way or the other about the Westminster Dog Show. Even cat lovers like me have been known to watch the competitions from time to time and marvel at the different Continue reading →
Read to Goats Month Comes to It’s Just Life
Did you know that March is Read to Goats month? Neither did I until I saw it shared on the Carl Sandburg Home National Historical Site. Now you know I am all about goats and my love for them is definitely something that everyone who Continue reading →
Beth Ann’s Book Reviews – The Honey Tree
One of the perks of having a blog is that I often get offers of books to read for review. Recently I said yes to receiving a book that intrigued me – The Honey Tree by Jo Sparkes. The description on the jacket of the Continue reading →
The Midnight Rambler by Don Carr
I love a good thriller and when Janell of Blue Cottage Agency reached out to tell me about a new release coming in December that I could get a copy of before publication I answered with a resounding YES! This publicity agency has been a Continue reading →
The Haunted House of Hillman by Frank F. Weber
Another book review is up on the blog today with this fabulous true crime book by Minnesota author Frank F. Weber. I have read and reviewed a couple of his other books before and you can read those blog posts here and here. Author Frank Continue reading →
Beth Ann’s Book Reviews: Not Faking It With Jules by Micki Fredericks
I am a fan of a lot of authors who write in a lot of different genres. When I find one that I enjoy and that I actually know in person I like to share the love when they write a new book. Such is Continue reading →
The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth
This week is book review week on It’s Just Life with a day off for Comments for a Cause. I am going to be sharing some books I have read for review and some I have read because I was intrigued by them. It’s always Continue reading →
Second Chances by Miriam McGuirk
It’s time for another book review here on It’s Just Life. I am behind on reading this year but never fear – I will catch back up soon to my usual reading rate. It’s just been a busy year so far for me and reading Continue reading →