We also went to the storage store and bought ridiculously overpriced storage containers and metal basket things for the closets. There just does not seem to be an inexpensive solution to most of this storage stuff—-plastic is horrendously expensive and you just have to pay it. Chris just looked at me and said “just get what you need–don’t look at the price” but that is hard to do! I did get some things for the pantry that work great and this pantry works so much better than the one we had in Iowa—I never could get that one organized right. That was one memory of Iowa that I don’t like to remember—-I had the “pantry meltdown” when I was unpacking and couldn’t figure out how to fit things in! It sounds stupid I know but a woman might understand how that would happen!!! You get used to having things fit in a certain way and then when you move and the configuration is not the same and you can’t adjust shelves it just messes it all up!
We hit the grocery store on the way home and loaded up–trying to get geared up for Aaron and Thom’s visit next week! I can’t wait!!! It will be great to have them here and hopefully they won’t be bored out of their gourds!!!
And I did manage to drive just a little tiny bit today—not bad after being here 2 months!!! Tomorrow we are going to drive to MacKay and I am going to get plenty of driving practice then. Chris will be going to the plant down in Serena on Monday and I think we have dinner out with some folks on Sunday night so that will be nice. Then we will come back here on Monday afternoon so it will just be a quick run down there but he needs to see the mill and see how it is going.
We both took naps this afternoon and now Chris is working on his mill report while I cook up our first store bought Australian pizza—-thought we would go easy tonight!!! We will see how it is. No one delivers out here……..we are roughing it, aren’t we??? LOL
Will try to take some pictures this weekend and post them!!!