When did it become acceptable to be mean and not kind? In my world it is NOT acceptable but I have seen it time and time again and it is eating at me.
Comments about a performer ‘s stomach.
Comments about an outfit that someone wears to an event.
Comments about someone’s political views or associations.
Comments about someone’s core beliefs or religion.
They are all floating around out there in our world right now and it sickens me.
Many times I have noticed that it is the same people who are saying or writing these things who are advocates for embracing individuality. These are the people who have been up in arms about the mistreatment of some of the marginalized groups in our society.
But yet–they find themselves criticizing and yes at times ridiculing others. It does not add up to me.
I realize that emotions are running especially high in our country right now. I get it. But does it mean that we are allowed to be mean and hateful?
Absolutely not.
I find myself really checking what I am saying, what I am writing and what I am projecting because I do not want to be one of “those” people. Have I been guilty of some of these behaviors ? Absolutely yes. But now is the time to change.
I often “preach” about being the change, being the ripple of kindness that promotes goodness and light and now is the time to amp up that campaign and do just that.
So today and every day I will choose to take the high road.
I choose to reach out in kindness in some small way.
The ripple begins with me.