Let me just say right off—I love my husband. He is an amazing guy. He is my biggest cheerleader. He is a fabulous father and husband. And he is funny. Hysterical at times. I doubt that everyone sees that side of him but he is. I am sure he comes across to many as intense and intimidating but not to me!!! Good thing, huh?
Last week we were making the trip from Iowa to Ohio together. He had a lot of business calls so when I was driving I was privy to one side of conversations. All the talk of skins, faces, fire tests and lean techniques almost made my ears bleed. His calls were depriving me of my 80’s on 8 listening, after all!
In between the calls and me secretly adjusting his side of the heat to cook and laughing hysterically when he wondered why he was getting so hot I gleaned a couple of gems from his conversations. I don’t know if the folks on the other end of the conversations / conference calls appreciated his “Chrisisms” but I sure did. The two most memorable ones uttered that day were “we’re just spinning in our teacups” and “we end up stepping on our cranks”. Really???? I think you can figure out what both of those mean.
He has quite a mastery of the English language and some of his phrases are priceless. I am going to start collecting them. I had been writing down Carlisms but now I am switching to Chrisisms. One of his favorite Australian ones is “I didn’t come down in the last rain shower”. And I have also heard him say “This ain’t no rabbitbox operation” which I highly suspect came from our friend “Cotton” Ketchie. So starting now I am going to collect them. That book may get written after all this year !
Oh —and I spared you a picture of “stepping on our cranks”. This is a G rated blog, after all.