The above quote seems very appropriate for today when we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to our country and world. His fight for civil rights in the 1960’s was inspiring and quite honestly, past time. I don’t get political on the blog but I think as 2025 unfolds it has to be on every mind how we will proceed as a nation. Will we embrace the very principles that Martin Luther King, Jr. espoused or will we regress? I certainly hope (and pray) we continue to move towards a country filled with love, not hate, acceptance rather than discrimination and equality for all.
It’s difficult to see sometimes how one person can make a difference. But one person can. Just by being a vessel of love, standing up in the face of any kind of hate and calling it out, doing one small act of kindness daily. It all adds up. Each person can make a difference and as Martin Luther King, Jr. showed us – it can change a nation.