I just read 2 unrelated articles in our local paper -The Globe Gazette—online, of course. One was about the abundance of area sweet corn and how great it is this year and the other was about the local library and how the renovations that are taking place are keeping the public in mind—–both seemingly straight forward articles with no controversy involved. THEN I clicked on the discussion links and on both of those articles folks had posted negative comments!!!! Now how can you get negative about making a library better and about having plenty of wonderful sweet corn????? Good grief!!!! What is wrong with people??? I am all for freedom of speech and being free to state opinions but in “my” humble opinion some opinions should not be aired!!! I was honestly incredulous when I read the comments!
Many times I read comments on articles just to get a laugh—sometimes people get really riled up about things and sometimes it is justified. Sometimes I just read them to see how horrible people are at spelling or at sentence structure. Sometimes I am trying to read between the lines to get the background of the story. I tend to stay away from all of the political stuff–that does not appeal to me and quite honestly it seems that it brings out the crazies in folks . They seem to get pretty fired up about things political around these parts!!! So when the now infamous Tea Party sign went up and soon went down in Mason City I did not indulge myself in reading the many comments on the articles. I limit myself to less controversial articles like sweet corn and library renovations……maybe I am going to have to stop reading the paper altogether????