If I am honest I am having a bit of a blue Christmas this year. I really am trying to put a happy face on and go about all of the holiday activities but inside I am blue. I know I am not alone. There Continue reading →
Good Riddance, January!
January 2023 has been a very tough month for me and I am happy to say good riddance to it. I usually don’t have a bad attitude about months or things that I can do nothing about but honestly –January has been one of the Continue reading →
No Words
If you are like me the event that took place in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday shook you to your core. Another mass shooting. More innocent lives taken. Parents who did not get to say goodbye to their babies. And yes, they were babies. I think Continue reading →
When Grief is Real
Grief is real. Some days grief seems so much more present than other days and my years of experience with grief allows me to realize that that is just how grief is. It never really goes away and while missing our loved ones who have Continue reading →
Grief – What NOT to Say
A repost but one that I believe is worth reposting. Recently a friend was commenting that someone said something totally inappropriate to an individual who had recently suffered a loss. In this case it was a death and the remark was one of those ones Continue reading →
When Things Don’t Make Any Sense
Events in our area lately have left me shaking my head and wondering what on earth is going on in the world. If you follow me on Facebook you have no doubt seen the many articles and news pieces I have posted over the past Continue reading →
The Sun Still Comes Up
The sun always comes up. My answer to the problems of today on It’s Just Life. Continue reading →
There Are No Words
There are no words that can help at times like this. So I won’t even try. Continue reading →
Transitions Are Never Easy
We are entering yet another phase in life….more transitions. Not easy but necessary. Continue reading →
Science Diet, Crisco and Crying in the Shower!
Each week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at feelingbeachie@gmail.com. Continue reading →