This week I wanted to share my very first tea set in my collection. I had to recycle pictures and the quality isn’t that great but you will get some idea of this special set. If you have been with me since the beginning of Teapot Tuesday you might remember this one.
My Daddy gave me this little tea set years before he died. It was long before I started collecting teapots. I certainly had no idea that this first teapot would be the start of something so big. This tea set is made even more special because it belonged to my Aunt Ruth who was my Daddy’s sister. She died when she was a young mother and somehow Daddy ended up with the tea set when he cleaned out Grandma and Grandpa Brown’s house years later. It was packed away in newspaper in a box and one day he brought it out and asked me if I would like to have it.
I loved the oldness of it and even though a couple of the cups are missing it has a place of honor in my china cabinet. You can imagine how hard it would be to ever get rid of this set. It has history and was loved a lot by a little girl many years ago.
Maybe someday if I have a granddaughter I will be able to pass it on to her.