Teapots and coloring books. The two are a perfect match and my friend Marci knows me so well that she found the perfect birthday present for me.
Now I know it is technically not a teapot and this is Teapot Tuesday but give me some latitude, will you? I am regrouping and rephotographing teapots that I featured early on and need a bit more time to get those back up on the blog so I decided that a post about a coloring book would be what this Teapot Tuesday is all about.
Stress free fun? Sign me up. I need some stress free fun and if this coloring book can do that for me I am all in.
This book is so perfect for me and I am loving the diversity in the pages. Some are really difficult and some are simple so I am starting with the simple ones and working my way up to the more difficult ones.
I have a lot of work to do to become a master colorist but it is fun to just sit down while watching television and doodle a bit .
So there you have it. My first foray into the world of teapot coloring. Not sure that I will ever find a future in it because as always I tend to color outside the lines and I need much more practice but it is a fun thing to do every once in awhile. Thanks to Marci for the perfect birthday gift.
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