When you have a collection of things sometimes the lines blur a little bit on what actually belongs in the collection. I am definitely not discriminatory when it comes to my teapot collection. I have small teapots, large teapots, mini tea sets, teapots that are for decoration only, plain teapots, fancy teapots, vintage teapots, modern teapots, the list goes on. I love the variety in my collection.
When I saw this cute tea set figurine set on eBay for an insanely inexpensive price I had to investigate further. I adore the expressions on the faces, don’t you?

How about a close up of those cute faces?

but I just haven’t done that yet. Isn’t she adorable?

But I don’t care. It’s still adorable.
I haven’t found the perfect place for these because…Maksim. The dangly legs are just a little bit too tempting for Mr. Ornery but once I find the right place for them I will fix that leg and get them on display.
What do you think? Are these as adorable as I think they are? Let me know in the comments and Comment for a Cause for Transylvania Christian Ministry Sharing House. Each comment means a 50 cent donation this month so make sure you leave me a comment.
When you sit in a café, with a lot of music in the background and a lot of projects in your head, you’re not really drinking your coffee or your tea. You’re drinking your projects, you’re drinking your worries. You are not real, and the coffee is not real either. Your coffee can only reveal itself to you as a reality when you go back to your self and produce your true presence, freeing yourself from the past, the future, and from your worries. When you are real, the tea also becomes real and the encounter between you and the tea is real. This is genuine tea drinking. THICH NHAT HANH Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames