I saw a bit today on The Today Show about electronics and it kind of rang true with me. My life is a mess mass of electronics. They are everywhere. I owe it all to the men in my life. Bigger is better. Newer is better. More is better. I have to be honest. I have not refused. I have the MacBook Air which I LOVE. I have the iPhone which I LOVE. I have the hand-me-down iPad which I LOVE. I have the Kindle which I LOVE. Aaron got me this really great thing for my birthday called the Jambox that allows me to stream music to this awesome speaker from my phone. AMAZING! I have a GPS which I LOVE. But with these things come some issues. You know what I am talking about—when they do not work like you want or need them to work. The segment on the Today Show highlighted several that created issues for folks and I have to agree—-sometimes they don’t quite work.
Take the Autocorrect feature on my phone. Oh yes….I have been very guilty of not double checking before I click “send”. There have been some pretty memorable fails as a result. Sometimes I talk about Thor (which was meant to be thot–that will teach me to abbreviate). Some are just a little too racy to write down—all because I simply do not take the time to read before I send. I need to start keeping a list like I do of Chrisism’s.
My GPS has saved me many times. My husband still teases me about the pre-GPS days when we were taking a trip to visit some friends in Kentucky. What I heard on the phone was “go past exit such and such” and what I should have heard was “go to exit such and such”. As a result we end up in a barnyard—no joke. The road got VERY skinny and cows and chickens were prevalent. It was late, of course, because why would this happen in daylight? We made it out alive but it was touch and go for a bit —it was Kentucky, after all. I guess I would have heard “replanning, replanning” if I had had a GPS then.
The segment talked about those hotel swipe keys that never seem to work. Oh yea. Been there. I always get 2 even if I am by myself because chances are there is one that will not work. I have also followed in my husband’s footsteps and take the little folder that it comes in with the room number on it with me. After one particular busy week of travel I could not for the life of me remember where I was and what room I was in when I returned to the hotel and had to have the desk clerk look it up for me. Embarrassing? About as much as when my hotel key dropped down that teeny tiny crack between the elevator door and the hallway. Oh yes–the one in a million happened to me.
But maybe the one that hit a chord most strongly for me was when they talked about those verification codes on the computer that you have to fill in to make sure that you a human and not a computer. ARGH! Can I just say that I hate those? I know that most blogs have to have some kind of filtering system before you can comment but I hate these. I can never read those numbers and letters that are all scrunched up together in a wiggly wobbly fashion. Lately I have run across the 3 letters which are moving. Now that I seem to be able to handle okay but some of those other ones are for the birds. It makes me not want to continue on. It makes me want to just abandon whatever I was doing especially after 2 or 3 incorrect tries. Frustrating?? Yes with a capital Y.
So there you have it. I am sure you can add to the list of things that drive you nuts in all things technology. Please let me know what yours is!! As always—I’m listening!