Well it wasn’t quite a party but it was a great day anyway. We survived the estate auction—took the auctioneers a full 4 hours to unload the house and sort and organize and get it ready to go and that was with us already unloading all that we could to the garage!!! Suffice it to say there was a lot of “stuff” to be sold. And sold it was !!! Even the car was sold for a good fair price and that was the last big thing to dispose of for the trust.
So…..all in all a good day. A little emotional for Carlton, to put it mildly, but we all muscled through and got it done. The auctioneers were good and fair, the food truck yummy, the people pleasant and respectful and at the end of the day we were tired but happy that all had gone so well. As we close this chapter and stay in a motel room in the town where we never had to stay in a motel before we are struck by the finality of yesterday. Chris and I will not go back to the house now. It is out of our hands and as it goes to new owners this week we pray that they will have as many wonderful memories made in it as we had.