Today I was reminded, once again, of a brief but torrid love affair that I had about 7 years ago. Even though time has passed I still remember it as if it were yesterday and long for the happiness that that love affair brought to my life at a time when I was lonely and feeling vulnerable. Today that love affair might be rekindled.
To make this story even more interesting let me just tell you that it occurred in a church. Yep—a United Methodist Church to be exact. Epworth United Methodist Church to be precise. At the time I had an amazing job. Possibly it was the job with the longest job title in the world—Director of Small Groups and Servant Ministries. What did that mean? Well—it meant I got to do what I had done for years for free but now I got paid for it. It was perhaps THE perfect job for me and I was so blessed to have had the fabulous Rev. Dr. Mark Ralls as my boss, mentor and friend during my tenure in this position.
One of the areas that we were trying to expand was our outreach into the community by offering a new worship experience that might attract those who had not visited our church before. Before long a fabulously gifted music leader was hired, a new name of Jacob’s Well was chosen, Fellowship Hall was repainted and a new worship experience was born. It was a more casual service and coffee and snacks were a part of the package that we were offering.
Enter the object of my affection. The Flavia Coffee Brewing System. Oh—the memories almost make me quiver. It was funded by an angel investor who wanted to support our efforts to provide a great experience to all who entered those doors and I will be forever grateful to this angel because those funds allowed us to obtain a rental machine that produced possibly the most wonderful combination of brews for our folks. Coffees, lattes, tea, hot chocolate—-it was all there. Oh—it was heaven ….while it lasted.
One day I had a guest come to visit me in the church office. It was the Repo Man. Did you know that there are Repo Men for coffee machines? Well—trust me—there are. Seems we were not ordering enough of the wonderful flavor filled pouches to stimulate the economy and they were sent to take away my beloved Flavia machine. It took me a long time to recover from the sadness that enveloped me after the Repo Man left. I was a mess. How could this be happening? I even bought a small personal one to have in my office at home. (Cat was NOT included. She was so little then!)
Today my love affair might just be rekindled. My husband is doing some work away from home and the corporate complex that he is staying in offers some fabulous views of the city and other wonderful amenities. As I visited him in his current home away from home he gave me the nickel tour of the place so that I can get around while he slaves away. In the lobby area is a little snack nook complete with—you guessed it—–a FLAVIA machine!!! My eyes bugged out!
Oh it may not look like much to the untrained eye but to those who have loved and lost it is enough to put said person over the edge. I am pacing myself. I don’t want to appear too needy or demanding in case the Repo Man is around…..stay tuned .
Have you ever had a torrid love affair that you are willing to confess ? Tell me all about it in your comments!
If you want to see a fun YouTube video that someone made to show the magical Flavia machine click on the video below.