A repost from way back in 2017. Obviously a lot has changed since then but my routine is pretty much the same. Different cat but still two cats.
My morning routine is pretty simple.
Wake up,
Go to the bathroom. (TMI?)
Open bedroom doors (we have an odd two door system but it helps keep the cats out.)
Give cats treats.
Get coffee.
Go back to bedroom.
Turn a tiny stream of water on in the tub for the cats to drink.
Crawl back in bed with laptop.
Turn on news.
Read emails, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, devotions and think about what I need to accomplish during the day.

Usually with a cat on each side of me or one on top of me and one by my side. Today they were both to the right of my legs.
Enjoy the sunrise.
Pretty simple and straight forward and it really does not vary a whole lot.
There is something about routine. The sameness of the way that I start each morning is comforting. It is consistent and in a world where consistency is not always present it is a good way to start each day.
My brother in law Carlton loves routine. He loves the repetitive actions. It provides him comfort and structure. His world has changed a great deal lately after a very rocky time before and after Christmas. After an extended hospital stay to get medications prescribed and working appropriately he is now living in a group home in a small town. I know a lot of my readers have sent him cards and reached out to him over the years and he loved that. If any of you want his new address just let me know and I will be happy to share it.
While his routine has changed he appears to be doing much better than I anticipated. He is settling into a new routine. Work, time with housemates, watching his beloved Batman dvd’s and other shows have become his new normal routine. I am so grateful that after such a tough time he is adjusting.
Routine is an important part of life. At least my life. What about you? Do you have a routine that you don’t change up? Something that is a sacred thing that you don’t deviate from? I would love to hear about it in the comments.