Podcasts have become one of my favorite things to listen to when I am in the car. I have quite a few I listen to regularly and I have highlighted a few of my favorites here on the blog at various times. Some of my favorite ones are the story telling ones but I also love murder podcasts. Mr. Diamond keeps checking for arsenic in his coffee…
While I do have varied interests when it comes to listening to podcasts I do love the ones that touch my heart and recently when listening to SouthBound by Tommy Tomlinson (look for it on any podcast directory) I heard a very inspiring interview that he had with Kathy Izard.
I had never heard of Kathy Izard before but let me tell you – I am now a huge fan. Kathy, like many others in this world, listened to a small whisper and the rest is history.
Kathy grew up in a family where the motto was “Do Good. Love Well.” Aren’t those wonderful words? She took those to heart as an adult and started to regularly volunteer at the local soup kitchen in Charlotte, NC and made sure her family was right there with her as well. As a successful graphic designer she had a busy life with family and job obligations galore but this was something that she felt led to do. But even as she volunteered she managed to keep her distance from the “neighbors” as they were called. She kept behind the serving counter and didn’t interact with them that much.
Until the day she met the formerly homeless man Denver Moore who challenged her with one simple question upon touring the facility. “Where are the beds?”
After a lot of soul searching and prayer Kathy made the decision to quit her job and build a home for the homeless population of Charlotte, NC. What happened was nothing short of a miracle and today Charlotte boasts a very successful program to house the homeless of their city due largely to the efforts of one woman who listened to that whisper.
I won’t go into any more details about the book because I really would love you all to buy a copy of your own. I read it in basically one day and immediately posted a review on Amazon raving about the story and the author. As it would have it I was the first reviewer on Amazon of the book’s newest edition and Kathy contacted me to thank me and to tell me she wanted to send me a signed copy . Of course that thrilled me and I can put the other copy in my Little Free Library so that the story and most importantly the message continue to get passed around.
The message to me was clear. One person can make a difference. Listen to those whispers and then go for it. There is always a way to do good in this world while showing love at the same time. Thank you, Kathy, for listening to that whisper and for changing the world for so many people.

I love the quotes that Kathy has selected to begin each chapter. They add to the richness of the story and are important quotes that she has purposefully included.
To buy a copy of Kathy’s book The Hundred Story Home: A Memoir About Finding Faith in Ourselves and Something Bigger visit your local bookstore or check it out on Amazon by clicking here.
You can read my brief review by clicking here.
To listen to the podcast that led me to Kathy’s book feel free to click on the link below to listen. Carve out an hour someplace in your day to listen – it may change your way of thinking about the homeless in our country and realize that there are still amazing people who truly do care and make a difference.
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