I honestly think I may be losing it. Anyone else?
I had to apologize to Maksim today. I don’t normally have to apologize to my cat but today I did.
I accused him of stealing my Apple Watch off the charger. I almost always have the same routine every night when I get ready for bed. Put my jammies on, brush my teeth, take out my contacts, put watch on charger by my bed, put dirty clothes in the hamper. Routine is important.
This morning when I got up, I took my shower, got dressed and went to put my watch on. It was nowhere to be seen. I looked beside the nightstand, behind the nightstand, on the shelves of the nightstand, under the bed. Nothing. Nada.
Maksim came sniffing around and I knew that he had taken it. He loves to rummage around on the nightstand and my watch band is an attractive (to cats) rubber type. I just knew he had taken it and hidden it with his stash of crinkly balls, feather mice, bottle caps and that one brussels sprout that I never did find. When he gets something he likes he just runs away with it if you try to confiscate it.
I looked high and low. Seriously. It was nowhere. I looked for my back up watch and was going to just cut my losses. But it bugged me. Where. Was. It?
Chris quietly asked me if I had checked the hamper. I told him no — I remember putting it on the charger after I took a bath last night. But I looked to satisfy him and you guessed it. There it was. Guess that memory of putting it on the charger was wrong. I had dropped it in the hamper with my dirty clothes.
I immediately thanked Chris and apologized to my sidekick. He deserved an apology for being falsely accused.
I also have had some pretty crazy dreams recently. The most vivid one was that I was in hot water because I didn’t have my mask on. I think Covid – 19 is creeping in everywhere, don’t you? Even in my dreams.
WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. We just have to stay strong and not get beaten down by it. We can do it. The good news is that some states are doing better with their numbers and taking things seriously. Now if only North Carolina would brighten up and get with the protocols. Can I hear an Amen?
In the meantime — just look at this cat. Adorable, right?
Anything gone wacky in your world recently? I swear when Ann and I went to Tennessee back in February we felt a shift and soon after that the world went bonkers. It is still bonkers. Tell me about your observations in the comments and Comment for a Cause.