I could post some more water pictures but the ones I have now are of flooded roads!!! Chris left for work early this morning and then about 15 minutes later he was back home—-couldn’t get out of Saunders Beach today. Said he made it through 2 flooded parts but turned around at the third because he was worried the Camry would not make it through it and he knew that with the way things are going outside it is just going to get worse and he would end up being stranded in Townsville so he came home and is having a work day in his office here! It is very strange to feel like you can’t go anywhere because of the roads being flooded instead of it being snow!!! But I have a freezer full of food, a cupboard filled with goodies (my mama taught me to be prepared) and we will be fine even though our plans for the week are changing by the minute due to the rain!
I keep thinking that this will stop eventually and what they tell me is that when it does it will be miserably hot and humid so I will enjoy the cool breezes for now and not complain about the rain! It really does not matter to me but I know it is frustrating for Chris to not be able to go into the mills and office when he wants to.
So I will quietly sit here and mildew ………more later !