My sister shared this little quote the other day and it really struck me.
As you might guess, from the tagline of my blog – Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary– I am a true believer in the small things that may appear to be ordinary but upon further inspection really are more extraordinary.
So when I read this quote I thought YES! My (and your) ordinary life can be so much more than ordinary. It can be extraordinary when we give God a chance to use us.
This week I can share that I feel that my life is indeed extraordinary. Maybe not to other people who see it but to me it is and that is what matters. While I have been doing AAUW Book Sale work like crazy I have also had the opportunity to be a part of a Chorale Board, an event planning for a 40th Anniversary of our local Sharing House and a clothing drive for school kids with my Ladies Luncheon group. I have been gifted the personality and drive to help with events that help others and while that may not be your gift – I am sure that you have an “ordinary” gift that God can use to help others.
Obviously I don’t write this to toot my own horn but to inspire others. Ordinary activities can be turned into extraordinary things and with God’s help we can make a difference in our little corner of the world.
So what kind of loaf of bread will you be? Nine grain? Oatmeal? Banana nut? The choices are endless but the outcome can be spectacular and extraordinary.
Don’t forget to leave me a comment and Comment for a Cause for American Macular Degeneration Foundation.