My love of teapots has become one of the regular features here on It’s Just Life. Teapot Tuesday has been in existence since April 2011 and I have missed a few Tuesdays and repeated teapots over the years. Folks keep asking me how many I Continue reading →
My Present to Myself
Think about it. How often do we really give ourselves presents? Sometimes we might buy a special something that is out of the ordinary but the normal day in my life does not include giving myself a present. But today I am giving myself a Continue reading →
Leaping Into the New Year – Comments for a Cause
Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good whatever as you read this latest post. I took a bit of a holiday break to enjoy time with the family and especially with the grandson and am currently suffering from what my sister calls “Theo hangover”. It Continue reading →
The Sounds of Christmas
This year I have loved being able to enjoy the sounds of Christmas. Music is my connection to so many things and at Christmas time I am drawn to all of the music that celebrates the season. Chris and I were part of the Mountain Continue reading →
Fourth Week of Advent – Love
A baby can change everything, can’t it? I know in our family the arrivalof our sweet grandson absolutely changed our lives in so many ways. In the case of the Christian world a baby came into the world and definitely changed the world because of Continue reading →
The Perfect Imperfect Nativity
A repost with a few changes because it deserves to be reposted. Growing up in a minister’s family was a good experience for me. I have heard many bemoan the fact that they were preacher’s kids but not me. I loved it. I loved the Continue reading →
One in a Million
You hear that phrase all of the time – one in a million. Let me tell you –I am married to that one in a million guy and today is a special birthday for him. I am whisking him away or as he says “kidnapping” Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday —Christmas is in the Air
Another Tuesday. Another teapot. This one has been featured before on It’s Just Life but don’t you just love it? All decked out in leaves and berries and perfect for the season that is upon us.And of course the words on the back of the Continue reading →
Third Week of Advent – Joy
Joy comes in all shapes and sizes, doesn’t it? Joy is the feeling of pleasure or happiness. When was the last time you witnessed or experienced true joy? I hope that the answer to that question is that you experience it daily because I believe Continue reading →