I did it. Again. I am a klutz and I know it. I was simply trying to cut a lime to put in my iced tea and wacko…..the knife went wild there for just a second and I sliced 2 of my fingers on my left hand. Now if you know me you know that I have a history with blood. The two of us do not get along. How I raised 2 boys without major trauma is a mystery to me but I think God knew that Chris had to be around if there was going to be bloodletting of any kind.
So once the deed was done I grabbed a paper towel and held it on. It soaked through pretty good and I decided that I had better take some action. Off to the bathroom I went to secure some first aid materials all the while clutching the paper towel. applying pressure, the whole deal. I dug out the super size box of Band-aids (thanks to a son who works for J & J) and decided it was time to lay down….so I did. For awhile. I put my bloody fingers up in the air . The cats came and licked my face. I pulled myself together and applied the band-aids amidst much gushing and spurting and kept pressure on it. I survived.
Then the hub came home and wanted to see how bad it was. Of course once he took the band-aids off it started bleeding again. He is officially in charge of wound care now. I just can’t handle it. Never have. Oh the stories I could tell….and they all end up with me on the floor!
I am once again grateful that I gave up my dream of becoming a nurse. Somehow I don’t think it would have worked out.