If I could say one thing today that I would hope is something that my readers would take to heart it is to just be kind. I am preaching to the choir here with the folks that read my blog. You guys all get it. But sadly, not everyone does.
I have witnessed acts of unkindness lately and insensitivity and it leaves me with a lot of emotions.
I don’t understand how someone can use words that will intentionally hurt another person. I always try to give folks the benefit of the doubt but I must admit the past couple of weeks my patience is wearing a bit thin with people who just say mean things. What’s the point? What do we gain when we are mean?
So once again I feel like I am on my Be Kind soapbox. It’s easy. It makes you feel fabulous when you are kind. It gives you energy and positivity and all of the things that just make you feel good. So do it. Do an act of kindness and feel good about yourself and others. I would love to hear about things that you do – whether anonymously or known – that help promote kindness in our big world. In the meantime, take a look at this short video that shares the effect of a small kindness done.
Thank you for doing the kindness of reading this post. I am so glad you stopped by.