Do you remember steno pads? I am not sure if they are as popular as they once were but steno pads used to be a staple in almost every house. Even if there was no secretary office manager in the household you could almost always find a Continue reading →
Happy Birthday, Mr. Diamond!
Today is Mr. Diamond’s birthday and I am woefully unprepared for it. I usually try to make a big deal about it since it is just a week before Christmas and he usually gets gypped and this year I just have not gotten organized to Continue reading →
And Now There Are Two
And now there are two. The holiday was wonderful for me and I hope for you as well. It was a full house with 2 sons, 2 girlfriends and 1 grand kitty. Our first time to have Thanksgiving in our home in years as we Continue reading →
One Bad Decision – One Good Decision
This past weekend I am owning up to making one very bad decision and one good decision. I think it is only fair to share honestly on my blog with my readers so today I own it. Chris and I spent the weekend at Aaron’s Continue reading →
Crafted With Love – Cathedral Window Quilt
My mom has always been very creative and gifted when it comes to creating things. When we were growing up a lot of my clothes were sewn by either her or my Grandma. My mom always had some kind of embroidery or handwork that she Continue reading →
All Quiet on the Western North Carolina Front
The house is quiet. Except for the soft purring of Buddy and Holly and the birds chirping outside all is still. Aaron and Erin have come and gone. Chris is back on the road. And I am left alone in the house to continue to Continue reading →
33 Years Strong
Happy Anniversary to my very own Mr. Diamond. It’s been a great ride so far. This week as I was organizing for the move I found our box of wedding memorabilia. Hey – look at me! I have memorabilia just like a famous person. In Continue reading →
Always Pack Extra Underwear
The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind . First off—we have an offer and contract on our house in Mason City with a set closing date in late July. I never believe that anything is actually official until the money changes hands but Continue reading →
Graduation Columbia Style
Some of you know that our oldest son, Micah, was a recent graduate of Columbia Business School. To say that we are proud may be the biggest understatement of the century. Micah has worked hard to get where he is. When he was in high Continue reading →
It’s A Monumental Day
I can not believe it but our oldest son turns 30 today. How did that ever happen? I am only 29, right? I have been thinking a great deal about Micah turning 30 over the past month and suffice it to say it brings a Continue reading →